

所有的土地都是可建造的. 几个世纪以来,从威尼斯到墨西哥城的建筑师们一次又一次地证明了这一点, 问题是这个项目需要多少时间和金钱, 结果会有多持久?

多亏了现代的调查土壤钻孔方法, 我们现在可以非常详细地了解一块土地的地下属性, 包括土壤的类型, 它的稳定性, 土壤性质在不同位置和深度有何不同, 以及现场有地下水的地方. 这可以告诉我们目前这块土地是否适合建设, 土地能支持什么样的建设, and what changes and soil improvements would need to be made if the land had to be used for a specific purpose.

The information gained from a geotechnical investigation is not just useful to a 建设 project, 它是至关重要的. The land intended for a project carries with it more unknown factors than the entire rest of the 建设 process, and compensating for poor-quality or unsuitable land has the potential to increase the overall cost of a project dramatically. Geotechnical investigation is a strong risk-assessment tool and a reliable cost predictor for 建设 projects of all sizes and types, 从家庭住宅到商业建筑或结构,再到国际机场.


了解一块土地的岩土力学特性, im体育APP的专家进行土壤勘探调查. 我们使用安装在卡车上的钻机收集土壤钻孔, 全地形交通工具, 或轨道与空心茎螺旋钻和分裂勺采样器,收集长, 来自不同地点的细长材料柱. 项目点可能需要几十个或几个钻孔, 取决于土地的大小和可变性. The samples collected allow our geologists and engineers to examine soil profile layers at various depths to determine what they are comprised of, 他们有多少容量, 以及它们有多稳定.

根据通过钻孔收集的样品信息, our experts can make reliable recommendations about what size and type of project the land can support, and what site modifications might be necessary to make the land suitable for the intended project.


岩土工程调查确定的不仅仅是土壤的承载能力. 它提供了有关土壤特性的详细信息, 地下水, 基础化妆, and information about any portions of the property that may have unfortunately suffered environmental impact from human activity. 所有这些数据都用于设计包括地基在内的网站功能, 挡土墙, 人行道上, 渗透/过滤盆地, 池塘, 或者任何其他需要支撑和地面扰动的结构. A geotechnical investigation details subsurface conditions and helps determine how the soil and 地下水 will respond to the proposed changes. 岩土工程报告中详细介绍了建议的土壤修正和任何可能的改进, which are used to aid project cost estimations for earthwork activities and risk management by minimizing cost overruns.


在大多数情况下, a geotechnical investigation will be required by your local municipality before a new home or 商业 project can begin, 然而, 到那时为止, many would-be home builders or 商业 developers have already purchased the land they intend to build on. 只要有可能, prospective land buyers should insist on a geotechnical investigation performed by a qualified engineer prior to a land purchase. The party selling the land is typically not motivated to conduct an investigation unless they are required to because it can reveal problems or issues that may decrease the land’s value. 如果买方打算在土地上建房, an investigation is crucial to 准确地 determine the land’s value and potential costs for land improvements.

不幸的是, many plots in both residential and 商业 areas have geotechnical issues that are invisible without an expert investigation: it’s not uncommon for buyers to find that their newly-purchased property was once a landfill or a swamp or is located on an unstable embankment. 没有专家的见解, 土地买家可能会被困在进行大规模的土壤修正,以使许多土地可以建造, or using non-standard deep foundations or earth reinforcement techniques to properly support structures or site features. 在这个过程中,这可能会导致数千美元的额外支出.


项目越复杂, 不可预见的岩土工程问题的后果就会变得越可怕. 机场等项目, 铁路, and projects for the oil and 气体 industry require extensive research and development efforts that rely heavily on the information provided by geotechnical engineers. The insight of a qualified geotechnical engineer not only determines what steps must be taken for the safety and longevity of the project, 但也可以告诉开发商和业主如何通过精心规划的设计来降低成本, 合适的建筑材料, 土地购买决策.

例如, im体育APP has in the past been contracted to perform geotechnical investigations for a large-scale industrial building site that included a railroad extension and rail laydown yard. 拟建的铁路路线要穿过一片湿地, and the engineers were tasked with determining whether it would be more cost-effective to correct or stabilize the swampland enough to support a railroad track or to buy an adjacent piece of land and divert the track around the swampland altogether. These types of critical determinations must be performed by engineering professionals with extensive and up-to-date practical experience, 选择合适的公司作为合作伙伴对项目的成功至关重要.


The most important factors in getting accurate results from a geotechnical investigation are the skill levels of the engineers, 他们方法的可靠性, 以及他们报告的清晰性. Meaningful geotechnical investigations rely on 准确地 interpreting the samples from the site and making well-informed predictions about the site’s suitability for building, which requires a deep understanding of both geotechnical engineering and available building materials and methods. 这片土地已经形成了几个世纪,经常受到人类活动的影响, 所以没有两个网站是相同的, 只有高质量的专业知识才能确保项目安全完成, 准确地, 而且是及时的.

im体育APP Materials 技术雇佣了受过最好教育和最有经验的科学家, 技术人员, 还有各行各业的工程师, 使我们能够提供无与伦比的岩土工程和 建设 材料测试服务. 我们可以为您的项目提供多方面的测试和咨询, allowing us to offer comprehensive input and superior recommendations for the desired successful project outcome.

im体育APP实验室也执行传统的产品测试和失效分析, 让我们的工程师对现实世界的故障案例有一个独特的视角. 他们利用这些知识在潜在问题出现之前更准确地识别出来. im体育APP也在测试新的和创新的建筑材料的最前沿, 从新型混凝土混合物到3d打印结构材料. im体育APP experts use their experience and understanding of existing standards to evaluate how new materials should perform under real-world conditions – even if there are no industry standards to test them against yet. 要了解有关im体育APP如何支持您的开发项目的更多信息, im体育APP的专家 今天.

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Soil boring is a technique used to investigate and determine soil composition and conditions at a site where 建设 is planned.



了解更多 about im体育APP's wide range of high-quality geotechnical engineering and testing services for the public, 商业, 私营部门.



im体育APP offers a comprehensive range of 建设 materials testing and engineering services to make certain that materials are safe and fit for purpose.



im体育APP的建筑性能测试服务包括开窗测试, 墙体系统和空气屏障测试, 包括暖通空调在内的建筑系统的性能测试和评估.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.